Thursday 29 January 2015

Muna Obiekwe, Nollywood actor who died of kidney failure on 18th January 2015, will be burried on 1st of February, 2015 the Actors Guild of Nigeria, AGN, announced. The program line up to honour the late Muna Obiekwe is as follows:

1st February 2015- A candlelight procession will be held at the Marshall Roundabout in Suru Lere, Lagos, at 4pm and it will end at the O'jez Restaurant inside National Stadium, Lagos.

3rd February 2015- The burial at Umudioka, in Anambra State.

Celebrities, Friends, Family and sympathizers will be present to pay their last respect to one of Africa's finest. RIP Muna Obiekwe.

Sunday 25 January 2015

The Write Experience, a project by spoken word and graffiti artists from Ghana and Togo, will be happening live at Alliance Française on Wednesday, 28th January, 2015.  Alongside Jazz performance by Blood Drum Spirit Ensemble, and directed by Kwame Write, the program, which forms a part of January's edition of La Paillote Takpekpe, is bent on exploring the spirit of togetherness and also throwing light on environmentalism. Performing live are saxophonist and composer, David Bindman, percussionist and pianist Royal Hartigan and bassist Wes Brown. Ras Bomba and Attukwei Clottey will also be present to make the night a memorable one.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Today seems a sad day in the world of entertainment after the sad news of ASAP Yams death, another, this time from The Nollywood Entertainment Industry, Nigeria, has kicked the bucket.  

Muna Obiekwe is dead. Whereas many still find it hard to believe the Young, Vibrant and Talented Nollywood Actor, has passed away.

Muna Obiekwe, Nollywood actor, on a Dialysis Machine.
Muna Obiekwe died of kidney failure on 18th of January, 2015. 

Fellow Actor, Nonso Diobi has confirmed his death via his official twitter account.
Unconfirmed reports further reveal that the death is directly linked to his financial state. It is rumoured that Muna, could not afford his medical procedures due to his poor finances, and had plans to put together a stage play for fundraising.
However he rejected the opportunity to go public with his condition, and seek support from concerned people.
Please Note, the Twitter Handle @MunaObiekwe is a fake handle! and its no way related to the Late Actor.

- See more at:
Actor, stand-up and former pop star Richard Blackwood plays a new role as villian in EastEnders - making his debut during the soap's live anniversary episode.

EastEnders bosses have cast Richard Blackwood to play a new villainous character on the BBC soap.

Blackwood - who once had an eponymous comedy show - will play a villain.

The actor and TV personality will make his first appearance on the show next month, featuring in one of the first live scenes in the highly-anticipated 30th anniversary 'live week'.

For now, the role Blackwood will be playing is not known, however, we are promised of an "explosive" and "thrilling" debut for his new alter ego, who will be shaking up life on Albert Square.

In a statement, Blackwood thanked EastEnders' executive producer Dominic Treadwell-Collins and the show's casting director Julia Crampsie for trusting him with the role.

He commented: "I wanna thank Dominic and Julia for giving me this amazing opportunity. EastEnders is a show I've grown up watching, so to film on Albert Square is something I'll never get used to! To know my first-ever scene will be a live one hopefully means the team believe in me and I won't let them down!"

Treadwell-Collins added: "Richard Blackwood has always been on our EastEnders wish list - and now the perfect part has come along.

"Richard's an authentic Londoner and a terrific actor, bringing with him warmth, humour and energy which will add so many layers to this 21st century EastEnders villain. The status quo in the Square is about to be well and truly shaken…"

Blackwood had his own comedy show, The Richard Blackwood Show, on Channel 4 between 1999 and 2001, around the same time as he launched his music career.

He later turned to the stage, with roles in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Shrek the Musical in the West End.

Steven Rodriguez, known to many in the Hip Hop world as A$AP Yams, is said to be dead. 

ASAP Yams, Founder Of ASAP Mob died young at age 26.
As to what is the cause of his death, we currently do not know, but members of the MOB such as A$AP Ferg, Bari and Rocky have spoken out on social media about their friend. The 26 year old ASAP Yams founded the mob with A$AP Bari and A$AP Illz in 2007. After meeting ASAP Rocky in 2008, the group began to grow bigger and they found success after the release of Rocky’s mixtape, Live. Love. A$AP.

It is indeed a sad day in the Hip Hop world.. Our deepest condolences. RIP ASAP Yams (Steven Rodriguez).

Thursday 15 January 2015

The post above reads "All panthers behind. The concert, at the stage of Nzeng-Ayong", Gabon, and it has Ghanaian Dancehall artiste and nurse, Kaakie as part of the artistes to perform live on Friday, 16th January at 17:00 (5:00pm).

Other artistes on the bill are Eddy Kenzo, Ba'Ponga, Defunzu and Latchow. Sponsored by Airtel and brought to you by AFJ Productions.

Gabon watch out for one of Ghana's best!!!

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Valentine Nana Agyeiwaa AKA Afia Schwarzenegger has been appointed as an Ambassador for Orphans in Ghana by the Association of Children's Homes and Orphans Ghana.

Afia Schwarzenegger says that this is a nice way to start the year and for this she's grateful to God.

New year, new opportunities, we thank God.

Ghanaian rapper, Trigmatic, declared on his instagram page that the woman who conceived and brought him to this world (Ruth Ayikai Annan- his mother), has passed away. Nana Yaw Oduro- Agyei (Trigmatic) did not state the cause of her death, however he expressed this as a test he must pass.

I personally send my deepest condolences to Trigmatic and I pray God sees him through this test of time. RIP Aunty Ruth...

Tuesday 13 January 2015

In Mozambique, it has been reported that dozens of people apparently died after drinking a traditional beer that had been laced, allegedly, with “crocodile bile.”
The story was updated this morning, confirming that 69 people have died and 196 are hospitalized after attending a funeral on Friday in the village of Chitima in the western part of the country. The mourners had gathered later in the day in a neighborhood to drink Pombe (or Phombe), a fermented mix of sorghum, bran, corn, and sugar.
The owner of the drink stand, her daughter, nephew, and four members of neighboring families were among the first seven fatalities received at the local hospital morgue on Saturday morning.
The provincial health director for Tete, Carla Mosse Lazarus, said that samples had already been sent to a national analytical laboratory to determine what poison or poisons had contaminated the 210-liter drum of the brewed beverage.
Oddly, nowhere in today’s Mozambique report is there any appearance or speculation that the toxic substance may have been “crocodile bile” or any other local names for such a poison (such as ndura). However, The New York Times cites another official, Alex Albertini, have been reported as being the source of this speculation.
Is the poison really crocodile bile?
Crocodile bile is literally the digestive juice from the gall bladders of the Nile crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus. Its use traces back to witchcraft accusations in 1899, according to Professor N.Z. Nyazema, in the Department of Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Zimbabwe, writing in theCentral African Journal of Medicine in 1984 and 1985. The university, in Harare, is about 300 miles southwest across the Mozambique border from where the poisonings occurred.

Professor Nyzema explains,
It is widely believed that the bile from the gall bladder of a crocodile is very poisonous. The bile nduru is used as poison which is added to beer or stiff porridge, sadza, of an unsuspecting victim. It is not easy to buy this poison neither is it easy for anyone to kill a crocodile solely for the purpose of obtaining the bile. But with a good fee one can obtain some of the poison from a special n’anga [a traditional healer of the Zimbabwean Shona tribe]. At times the n’anga may undertake to poison the victim thus adding mystery to the ingredients of the poison. It is reported that the poisoning occurs at special occasions like beer drinking: The nduru is said to be introduced into the beer by dipping the finger or nail where a small amount is placed: This will suffice for the purpose. The unfortunate victim is supposed to die within 24 hours. The poison is supposed to manifest itself when the patient develops pains mainly in the abdomen.
Professor Nyazema learned these stories from the writings of Professor Michael Gelfand, a South African doctor who led the department in the middle of the 20th century and wrote extensively on colonial medicine in southeastern Africa.
In the current tragedy in Mozambique, I can’t imagine just how much bile would’ve had to be added to 210 liters of brew for so many deaths to occur.
The analytical tests from this tragic episode will tell if the good professor was indeed correct about the source of this traditional poison. But the mystery may still remain: Is crocodile bile really the cause of these deaths?

Monday 12 January 2015

Whiles technology is fast advancing, Apple Inc has managed to grab the attention and pulse of both tech lovers and consumers in the past and 2015 looks no different. With the onset of 2015, rumours have astarted doing the rounds about the major launches likely to be made by the tech giant .

Let's take a look at Apple launches that might happen in 2015 and what might be in the store.

Most of these may surprise you.

Apple Watch

The wearable watch by Apple Inc is the most anticipated launch of 2015 and is expected to hit the markets early in the year. The watch will arrive in three models - Watch, Watch Sport, and Watch Edition. The Apple Watch will also be available in large and small screen size options. The launch of this product has been confirmed since September 2014. Apple's debut watch pairs with the iPhone and can support phone calls, texts, navigation and even cashless Apple Pay payments, all rolled in one on your wrist.
This I call wrist power. Can we call it "iWatch"?

iphone 7

Apart from Apple's plan to launch iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, there is a possibility that a third version of Apple’s iPhone 6S Mini is being considered for release this year.
One important change is that gorilla glass screen will be replaced with sapphire. Other rumoured features include possible 3D display and a completely revamped dual-lens iSight camera.
The so-called iPhone 6S Mini will most likely be running an A9 processor. It will be considered more of a lower-end smartphone device, taking the place of one of its predecessors - iPhone 5C.
My question is where is Apple going to??? I personally can't wait to see this one. Ladies, maybe you should hold your horses, better days are sure to come!

12-Inch MacBook Air with Retina Display 

Rumours are doing the round that Apple will roll out a 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina display in the second quarter of 2015. The MacBook Air will go into mass production in the first quarter of 2015. It’s also been rumoured that Apple will offer the new Air in three colours as the current iPad and iPhone range.
Now this is not a bad idea at all.

iOS9 software 

Another awaited new launch can be iOS9 software this autumn for mobiles and desktop. The wishlist includes a better, more useful Siri, the ability to default to third party apps and better music services. iOS 9 is likely to launch alongside Apple's next iPhone in September.
This should send us a message; we should be expecting the iPhone 7 and 7plus somewhere in September if my calculations are right.

iPad Pro/iPad Air 3, iPad mini 4 

iPad Mini 4 is expected to be launched in the middle of 2015, according to various reports. Apple has been rumoured to be working on an 'iPad Pro', which could have a 12.9-inch display, a touch ID fingerprint reader and a variation of Apple's zippy A8 processor. Over the past, it is seen that sales of iPads have slowed, but they might pick up again this year if tablets have PC-like replacement cycles.
This looks like the perfect gift to some of us. Work on the go.

itunes/Beats Music 
It is being said that Apple could roll Beats Music into iTunes, combining it with its pre-existing iTunes Radio service, and the final product will be launched this year. Apple may also launch HD music downloads. The tech giant is also rumored to be researching hi-resolution audio for iTunes purchases. 

Well now you have a fair idea of what Apple Inc is up to. You may want to add one of these to your budget. As for me, the iPhone 7plus has found a special place in my heart.
John Dumelo, JD, a renowned Ghallywood actor, is on a tour in the Northern Region of Ghana, gathering little pieces of nature for his diary, Melomoments coming up soon this February.
 JD also gave back to the society, some charity donation as a sign of appreciation.

I like to refer to Afia Schwarzenegger as mum, simply because she's so much like my mum. Talking of family tides, Afia Schwarzenegger spent this weekend out of the capital, Accra with her family and the destination was Holy Trinity Spa and health farm.

Whiles she was out with her kids, sister and friend; Mzbell (Akua), there were some controversies in the air but as outspoken as Afia is, as usual she spoke her mind and laughed over it.. Whoever this Chris guy is, definitely he stepped on the wrong toe.

 On the other hand, Afia Schwarzenegger being satisfied with the treatment she received, expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the staff of Holy Trinity Spa and Health farm.
I found this some weeks ago about one of my personal favorite celebrities in Ghana, Afia Schwarzenegger and Dance hall King, Shatta Wale. Well it looks like these two have something going on. 

Whether or not it is true, its none of our freaking business, real or not, still none of our business, hit and run or hit and stay, Afia says you are not the one he is hitting. Let them be!! Shatta love, SM4lyf says Afia our "Dance hall Queen". Wishing them all the best!
The highly anticipated 72nd annual Golden Globe Awards is here, bigger and better! With Tina Fey and Amy Poehler as hosts, tactfully playing around some of Hollywood's delicate subjects; talking about Sony Pictures being hacked over 'The Interview', the sexual assault allegations against Bill Cosby and many more.

The three-time hosts for the awards welcomed Hollywood's celebrated personalities to the function.

One subject which could not be overlooked was the recent terrorist attack in Paris at the offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, with live coverage from the Beverly Hill Hilton in Beverly Hills, California. Attendees such as Clooney sported "Je Suis Charlie" pins and others like Helen Mirren held up signs that read the same on the red carpet.

The first award of the night went to J.K. Simmons for best supporting actor for his performance as a domineering jazz teacher in the acclaimed indie "Whiplash." He thanked his confident co-star, Miles Teller, whom he called: "A young actor of such maturity and brilliance that he inspired me every day to want to scream at him and hit him in the face."

Whereas Some winners were caught by surprise, accepting the award for best actress in a comedy or musical for her performance in Big Eyes, was an unprepared Amy Adams and she said: "I didn't even reapply lip gloss."

Canadian director Dean DeBlois accepted the award for Best Animated Film for How to Train Your Dragon 2.
As the only major awards show to honour both movies and TV, the Globes have also benefited from television's rise. Fey and Poehler alluded to that by leading the crowd in a call-and-response cheer, chanting "Movies ... Awesome! TV ... Better!"

AMC's adaptation of the Coen brothers' acclaimed 1996 film, Fargo, came in the leading TV contender with five nominations and promptly won best miniseries or movie, as well as best actor, miniseries or movie, for Billy Bob Thornton.
"You can say anything in the world and get in trouble. I know this for a fact," said Thornton. "So I'm just going to say thank you."
Amazon, crashing the party like Netflix did before it, celebrated its first Golden Globe for the sexual identity comedy Transparent, winning best TV series, musical or comedy.

In the mean time, this is a partial list of winners:
  • Director: Richard Linklater, Boyhood.
  • Actor, Musical or Comedy: Michael Keaton, Birdman.
  • Actress, Musical or Comedy: Amy Adams, Big Eyes.
  • Supporting Actor: J.K. Simmons, Whiplash.
  • Supporting Actress: Patricia Arquette, Boyhood.
  • Animated Film: How to Train Your Dragon 2.
  • Screenplay: Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Nicolas Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris, Armando Bo,Birdman.
  • Original Score: Johann Johannsson, The Theory of Everything.
  • Original Song: Glory (music by John Legend, Common), Selma.

  • Series, Drama: The Affair.
  • Series, Musical or Comedy: Transparent.
  • Actress, Drama: Ruth Wilson, The Affair.
  • Actress, Musical or Comedy: Gina Rodriguez, Jane the Virgin.
  • Actor, Musical or Comedy: Jeffrey Tambor,Transparent.
  • Miniseries or Movie: Fargo.
  • Actress, Miniseries or Movie: Maggie Gyllenhaal, The Honorable Woman.
  • Actor, Miniseries or Movie: Billy Bob Thornton, Fargo.
  • Supporting Actress, Series, Miniseries or Movie: Joanne Froggatt, Downton Abbey.
  • Supporting Actor, Series, Miniseries or Movie: Matt Bomer, The Normal Heart.
And a quick rundown of some of the nominations: 

Best Motion Picture Drama
  • Boyhood
  • Foxcatcher
  • The Imitation Game
  • Selma
  • The Theory of Everything
Best Motion Picture Musical or Comedy
  • Birdman
  • The Grand Budapest Hotel
  • Into the Woods
  • Pride
  • St. Vincent

Friday 9 January 2015

Somewhere in Nigeria, Ido-Ekiti, a 25-year-old-man, Familola Ayodeji has been arrested by the Ekiti State Police command for raping an 85-year-old-woman who is said to be his great grandmother on Christmas day, 25th December 2014. According to police report, Familola, a resident of No. 17, Oke Ido Street, Ido-Ekiti, had sneaked into his great grandmother's room, closed the door behind him and forcefully had sex with her. After the shameful act, Familola went into hiding but he was caught after a manhunt. A medical examination conducted on the 85-year-old woman declared she was raped. The accused will be appearing in court soon.

A 27 year old man is reported to have cut off his manhood from his body using a machete. The young man, who is said to be a member of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, in Nigeria, and currently involved in the 21 days of prayer and fasting, decided to do an act of faith.
According to him, fasting and prayers are nothing to joke about hence one must take it very serious. It is a time when one must give up all earthly pleasures for God.
The young man was doing just fine without food and water but his penis was hindering him from his devotion to God with its little erections everyday.
He says "the penis has a mind of its own and it is capable of doing things which are totally out of my control. It usually gets erect every now and then, and konji sets in. And you know that konji is one of the things that leads people into sin. The erections were making me weaker spiritually and in the fast. That is why I cut it off. Even Jesus Christ said that we should cut off anything which will make us sin.” 
His neighbors attacked him thinking he was attempting to perform a ritual until he was able to explain to them what he was doing.
He is now at the hospital responding to treatment and hoping that his penis will grow back on his body after the 21 days of fasting and prayers.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

 Owing to the unfortunate incident which happened earlier today in France, the Queen Elizabeth sent her condolences to the affected families.
It turned out that the harmattan winds did not spare West Africa at all this year.

During this time, a lot of people take protective measures to keep themselves moist since the weather is a little bit unfavourable (very cold, dry and humid).

Most ladies use lipgloss to prevent their lips from cracking whereas some guys use lip balm. The President of Nigeria was of no exception; it seems he also took some protective measures...

The picture above was released by Reuben Abati and was taken during the Nigerian President's new year message.

Saturday 3 January 2015

So I had some time to spend with my younger brother yesterday, we had a little chitchat and it was funny how he gave description of some things.. I realized its one thing everyone is a victim of.

Michael (my younger brother) was trying to describe one of our uncles and a cousin by their ability to walk for long distances: "Uncle Dan walks a lot, he's able to walk from his house to his work place, he's a Johnnie Walker, and Alex too, he's always walking".

"Johnnie Walker??" I found this amusing, for him to term a person who walks a lot as Johnnie Walker.

There are other things we have named and address them as, instead of the original name. In Ghana for example, every washing powder is called "Omo" or "So klin", every diaper is called "pampers", every insecticide spray is called "raid".. What do you call it???
This was sent to me by a friend and i thought it worthy of featuring on this blog; sharing is inded caring.

 As the year has commenced, resolutions have been drawn, most of which we are entitled to live up to for a better and successful life, and to guide and remind us of what we have done and have to do before the year comes to a successful end (of course that is why they are resolutions)

If your new year resolution is close to, the same as or more than the contents of the image above, then I must say it is quite impressive, there's a way forward, big ups! On the other hand, if your new year resolution is a little below the above stated, I'll advice you make some immediate add-ons, changes, that is, if you don't want your year to go wasted. Your year can definately not go wasted, plan it and things will fit in and be just fine. Also if you haven't drawn any resolutions yet, (what are you waiting for?) Try- new year resolutions.

Whiles working on this, make sure you do some spectacular or extraordinary things.. Talk of making it a point to put a smile on someone's face, encouraging people to achieve their dreams, advising friends to make the right choices or decisions and many more. Do something out of the ordinary, something good.

Finally, make sure you evaluate yourself as to whether or not you are going according to your resolutions, if not, make amendments, try to fill the pot holes and not forgetting, be accountable for everything that you do, every step that you take and every decision that you make.

Have a well planned successful year ahead!!!

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Matilda Cleland (Godskid Tilly/Godskid NaaWednesday) A student Science Laboratory Technologist (Accra Polytechnic). A writer, blogger... To be cont...
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