Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy new year everyone. I personally want to congratulate and welcome everyone for making it into 2015, its not easy, not everyone had the chance to see this day. Whiles we celebrate the new year, I'd like us to take some time to reflect on a couple of things.

In this new year, people will come and go, some will stay, others won't. No matter what happens, play your role in life and that's it, if people want to walk out of your life, let them go; there's a reason for it all, don't hold on to things that are not yours, things that are not meant to be; if it'll be, it will be. This is how best you can relate to people around you.

Be your original self, there's none better, and people will appreciate you for who you are. Spend quality time with your loved ones, be there for others who need you, don't waste your time on those who don't. Try not to force yourself on people or try to please anyone at your expense, be you, do you.

Make sure you meet your target and you'll be successful. If you want things to be done in your life or around you, do it yourself, no one can do it better.

Simplicity is what this is called.. Wishing you a happy new year, success and prosperity is our portion. Have a wonderful year.


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Matilda Cleland (Godskid Tilly/Godskid NaaWednesday) A student Science Laboratory Technologist (Accra Polytechnic). A writer, blogger... To be cont...
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