Wednesday 4 February 2015

 21:53         No comments

There is total pandemonium at the Kumasi Central Prisons as inmates attempt to escape from the facility following a fire there earlier tonight.

Reports reaching JoyNews indicate that there was a fire at the B Hall, which led to the prisons officials releasing the inmates into the open yard for safety.

Firemen have the situation under control but the situation has been exacerbated by the panicked prisoners, who refuse to return to their cells.

Some of the inmates made an aborted attempt to escape from the facility and are currently rioting.

Joy News’ Erastus Asare Donkor reports that the gates of the prison are locked but occasionally are opened up to allow additional armed police to enter the facility.

Armed police responding to the scene are reportedly employing tear gas in an attempt to control the prisoners who are throwing bricks, stones, sachet water and other projectiles at police and prison personnel.

It is not immediately clear whether there have been any casualties in the fire or ensuing rioting.

In a further development, additional fire and manpower have been deployed to the prison as the inmates attempt to break the wall to make their escape.

Updates will be brought to you as the situation unfolds.

Source: JoyNews.


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Matilda Cleland (Godskid Tilly/Godskid NaaWednesday) A student Science Laboratory Technologist (Accra Polytechnic). A writer, blogger... To be cont...
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